Mold Toxicity Summit; Outline of Presentation by Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN

  1. Grains, Molds, Blood Brain Barrier
    1. 60-65% of Alzheimer’s patients have condition through their lungs/mold
      1. “Inhalation Alzheimer’s”
      1. It won’t make you sick in a day, but over a lifetime.
    1. Molds grow on grains
      1. Agricultural industry regulates the amount of mold allowed in animal feed
      1. Incremental amounts of mold in diet feed your microbiome
        1. Viruses
        1. Mold
        1. Fungi
      1. Small amounts of mold probably won’t make you sick, but…
        1. Toxic burden over time…
      1. Best to be grain free during an anti-mold protocol
    1. Different diagnosis associated with mold
      1. Any neurodegenerative condition
        1. MS
        1. Parkinson’s
        1. ALS
        1. Depression
        1. Schizophrenia
        1. Bipolar
        1. Addiction
    1. Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)
      1. Just as leaky gut allows larger molecules into the circulation triggering an immune response, so too, the brain is affected with BBB disruption/breach
      1. B4 “breach of BBB”
      1. The brain won’t get inflamed without B4
        1. Except for TBI which also technically causes a much LARGER B4/localized
      1. Glial cells are the guards of the BBB
        1. With B4, the glial cells are constantly firing cytokines
          1. Which also damage the brain—complement cascade, etc.
            1. Brain damageà
              1. Anxiety
              1. Depression…
      1. Mycotoxins/VOC’s; “Mold Exhaust” which will cause B4, glial activationàbrain damage
      1. Chronic sinus infections can also damage/breach BBB
        1. Thin cribriform plate adjacent to the midbrain
        1. Smell test that can Dx B4 and only costs 12 cents
    1. Immune System
      1. Innate
        1. All organisms have it, creates fire
      1. Adaptive immune system
        1. Immunoglobulins (Ig) from T-primed B lymphocytes
          1. IgG-long lasting immunity
          1. IgA-Secretory
          1. IgM-fast response (USMC)
          1. IgE-allergic
          1. IgD-fetal
        1. Antibody levels elevate in response to increased stress
        1. Antibodies are specific to a given threat
          1. Mold
          1. Virus
          1. Bacterial component, etc.
        1. Cell Mediated Immunity
          1. Natural Killer Cells
          1. Macrophages
          1. T-Cells
            1. Helper
            1. Suppressor/Regulator
        1. Complement Cascade-unguided/indiscriminate/damages everything
    1. Brain-Protective Diet;
      1. Diagnose sensitivities, only 1 in 8 patients with GI sensitivities have abd. Pain as symptom of their GI sensitivity, generally other organ systems are the presenting complaint for a GI sensitivity
      1. Rebuild the gut
        1. Intestinal alkaline phosphatase turns the genes on to heal the leaky gut
          1. Reduces inflammatory markers
          1. Reduces lipopolysaccharides in the bloodstream
          1. Intestinal alk phos is significantly increased by consumption of apples
            1. Pectin is in the apple skin, easily accessible to the gut 
        1. Improve microbiome resilience with a different root vegetable each day
          1. Contains prebiotics
          1. Eat other foods with prebiotics (Google for a list of prebiotic containing foods)
          1. Try several different types of fermented vegetables, as little as one forkful/d is enough
            1. Different vegetables have different bacteria in the fermentation process
            1. Inoculating your microbiome naturally
        1. Increase Glutathione (GSH) levels
          1. Whey protein and other supplements, especially those with L-Cysteine
      1. Organic foods are best
        1. Non-GMO
        1. GMO-bred plants are bred to resist Glyphosate (Roundup)
        1. Wheat is sprayed with glyphosate just prior to harvesting for better harvest
        1. Glyphosate is toxic to the beneficial organisms in our microbiome
          1. The good microbiome organisms kill intestinal fungi contributing to SIFO
        1. Antibiotics fed to livestock also affect our microbiome
          1. Many/most cases of otitis media and bronchitis are noninfectious, but mold & mycotoxin related.
        1. Dairy products can contain lots of molds & mycotoxins

Not ALL mold is toxic, but you don’t always know what you’re consuming.

Dr. Raymond Oenbrink