Comment; A subject with which I was unfamiliar is reviewed. Even the lowly pressure cooker can heat foods >220’F to denature toxins. Overall, a great review article.

Petr Karlovsky1 & Michele Suman2 & Franz Berthiller3 & Johan De Meester 4 &
Gerhard Eisenbrand5 & Irène Perrin6 & Isabelle P. Oswald7,8 & Gerrit Speijers9 &
Alessandro Chiodini 10 & Tobias Recker10 & Pierre Dussort 10

Received: 14 April 2016 /Revised: 29 July 2016 /Accepted: 5 August 2016 /Published online: 23 August 2016

Abstract Mycotoxins are fungal metabolites commonly occurring in food, which pose a health risk to the consumer. Maximum levels for major mycotoxins allowed in food have been established worldwide. Good agricultural practices, plant disease management, and adequate storage conditions limit mycotoxin levels in the food chain yet do not eliminate mycotoxins completely. Food processing can further reduce mycotoxin levels by physical removal and decontamination by chemical or enzymatic transformation of mycotoxins into less toxic products. Physical removal of mycotoxins is very efficient: manual sorting of grains, nuts, and fruits by farmers as well as automatic sorting by the industry significantly lowers the mean mycotoxin content. Further processing such as milling, steeping, and extrusion can also reduce mycotoxin content. Mycotoxins can be detoxified chemically by reacting with food components and technical aids; these reactions are facilitated by high temperature and alkaline or acidic conditions. Detoxification of mycotoxins can also be achieved enzymatically. Some enzymes able to transform mycotoxins naturally occur in food commodities or are produced during fermentation but more efficient detoxification can be achieved by deliberate introduction of purified enzymes. We recommend integrating evaluation of processing technologies for their impact on mycotoxins into risk management. Processing steps proven to mitigate mycotoxin contamination should be used whenever necessary. Development of detoxification technologies for high-risk commodities should be a priority for research. While physical techniques currently offer the most efficient post-harvest reduction of mycotoxin content in food, biotechnology possesses the largest potential for future developments.

Dr. Raymond Oenbrink