Captagon is the brand name of Fenethylline and it is a derivative of amphetamine. It was distributed as an over the counter (OTC) medication until 1964. It has several forms and names in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah), common names thatlaunches are: Abu mlaf, Lajah, Al abyad (white), Al qeshtah and Al asfaar (yellow).
 A cross-sectional study was conducted from 11 November to 11 December 2015 using electronic survey on Googledocuments. The study was directed to the community as a general and not to those who have been addicted to Captagon. Data collected and analyzed through the statistical package for the social science (SPSS) version 19.
The number of persons replied for the questions was 123 Males and 290 Females from the age of 10 and above. 70.2%of the respondents believe that the most important causes of taking Captagon pills are bad friends and the weakness of religious faith, while 14% of them believe that the most important cause is the motivated experimentation, and 5.3% of them said that the main cause is the free time and 1.4% do not know the main reason.
There is a relation between the sex variable and Captagon addiction. Also, there is a relation between the sex variable and knowing the public names of Captagon pills. ere is no relation between the age variable and taking Captagonpills. ere is no relation between knowing some side effects of taking Captagon and age factor and knowing the public names of Captagon. Young persons (group age from 15-25 ) are the most addict group so more efforts should be directed for youthawareness about destructive effects on heath and society of drug abuse in schools and Universities. Bad fellows and weakness of religious faith are the most reason for Captagon abuse so parents should take care of sons’ friends and sons religious preaching.Future study is needed to demonstrate how to restrict captagon addiction in KSA.
Captagon; Fenethylline; amphetamine; addiction; Saudi Arabia.
We don’t often here about addiction affecting those in the mid-east.  This provides an interesting perspective on the use of amphetamines, which at prolonged high-doses can cause delusions in an area of the world that many people would not consider to be sociopolitically healthy & stable.
Dr. Raymond Oenbrink