by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Unsurprisingly, we’re seeing more psychostimulant deaths–often with concomittant opioid abuse. Opioids are more dangerous due to respiratory depression, stimulants decrease inhibition leading to...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I think they are well-meaning but short-sighted We’ve had a variety of various drug abuse issues over the years. Purdue Pharma...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Interesting that the classic benzodiazepines are not in this list, it’s the meds described as...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Drivers acknowledging that THC is not a good thing to drive with yet 40% had a child in the car while intoxicated and <30% tested positive without a child in the car. Abstract Objective: It is unknown how...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction, Functional & Integrative Medicine Comment; Fascinating to know that early childhood trauma can affect the epigenetics of DNA methylation–controlling how future gene expression will...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Another classic reason why I’m not a fan of big pharma! Hiring strippers while we all get screwed by the CEO–bait and switch!...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment: Addiction is tough enough when involving only one agent. Polyaddiction is exponentially more difficult to treat pharmacologically,...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction
Arkansas sets standard for states by removing prior authorization for treatment of opioid use disorder Comment: I HATE Prior Authorizations! Why do we need to get PA’s for generic medications? Physician’s don’t suffer from “burnout”, we...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment: This sounds like a good idea. Perhaps the software could also be coded to recognize evidence of distress in the voice wavelengths to go beyond WHAT is said and into HOW it’s said to...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment: Interesting that vaping wasn’t studied. I find that to be the most successful method as it mimics behaviors and pharmacokinetics of smoking most closely Nicola LindsonSamantha C...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Once upon a time we were able to decide for ourselves what was needed without big brother breathing down our neck. I miss those days! Deborah Dowell, M.D., M.P.H., Tamara Haegerich, Ph.D., and Roger...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; It’ll be interesting to see how effective this turns out to be! Findings to serve as a blueprint for communities...