Free Screening Tests
We offer free online CIRS Screening tests and Lyme screening tests that can be taken quickly in a matter of minutes from the convenience of your home.
Therapeutic Services & Protocols Offered

As part of our diagnosis and treatment plans for varying conditions, we make special use of several novel diagnostic routines. Below is a list of the diagnostic testing services offered at our office:
Shoemaker Protocol
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) due to toxic mold illness, Chronic Lyme Disease, other biotoxin exposure.
Numerous other triggers (up to 25% of the population is predisposed to this illness—various triggers start the process) Dr. Oenbrink is recognized for his excellence in the protocol by Dr. Shoemaker.
Memory Issues & Cognitive Decline
For dementia, memory loss & Alzheimer’s
Acupuncture for addiction to nicotine & other substances & behaviors
- Helps address substance dependence including nicotine, alcohol and other drugs of abuse
- Acudetox doubles the rate of long-term abstinence and recovery.
IV Therapy
Infusions available for a variety of conditions
Chelation Therapy for Heavy Metal Toxicity
EDTA infusions are very effective at removing toxic metals
Photo Bio-Modulation Therapy
800-nanometer wavelength infrared light therapy can help a variety of issues.
- Penetrates the skin, tissues, even bone
- Restores mitochondrial (cellular power plant) energy production
- Helps with mental function, clarity, memory
Ozone Therapy
- Local therapy to clear chronic infections
- Sinuses; MARCoNS, chronic sinusitis
- Ears; Tinnitus/ringing
- Skin; Wounds, chronic inflammation
- Direct application gaseous
- Indirect application ozonated oil, aqueous
- Autohemotransfusion for chronic inflammation resets over 200 genes involved in the chronic inflammatory process
- Mitochondrial regeneration
- Boosts blood & tissue oxygenation by a factor of 10x
Your Health Starts Here
Contact us to schedule your appointment today!
Phone: (828) 785-1850
Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday-Thursday