by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Interesting, the only drawback is that this medication must be injected, ideally IV which makes delivery in the community more problematic. It would help ensure compliance though. In rats,...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Incredibly...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; So about half of our patients are being screened for substance abuse. That seems like a lot of time spent screening that could be spent...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I think this overall depth of despair is due to a lack of moral compass, spiritual disability, lack of acknowledgment of God as our primary focus. I don’t see that variable addressed in...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction, Functional & Integrative Medicine Comment; A very cool way to look at the functioning brain… Now we need to learn a bit more about how ketamine works and come up with new molecules that can safely improve...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I agree with the need for parity with other diseases covered by health insurance. I think we need more information regarding...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; The purpose of health insurance is to pay for expensive care. I understand that it’s a competitive business & cost is a major...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; It’s well-known and accepted that anxious & depressed patients hurt more. The limbic system in the brain manages emotions and is heavily involved in pain perception. CBT & Mindfulness makes sense as...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Definition isn’t clear. How many physicians have treated post-surgical pain resulting in a patient sleeping most of the day. Is...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction
Comment; Great talk about safety of Fentanyl. OK, what about Carfentanil and the fact that street drugs are not labeled, regulated; one never knows what “that powder” actually is?! I disagree with the premise of this article! It’s almost impossible to...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I think we’ve been to lenient on corruption for to long; “the cost of doing business” is not stopping bad behavior. Let’s see what...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Truly amazing! I had NO idea that the folks behind the Oxycontin/Purdue debacle were the ones who originated high pressure pharmaceutical sales in the US (& world). A special place in...