by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; It’s interesting that in California it seems that more white low-income folks die, but in NYC it’s more likely...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Uncertain as to why this study was done, these are not drugs commonly used to treat opioid or other substsance use disorder....
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I don’t think maternal pure opioid blocker therapy is...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Larger numbers of opioid prescriptions and overdoses among lower income white communities does mirror my observations as well....
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Ending Prior Authorizations for opioid treatment medications is a great start. We REALLY need to end Prior Authoriazations for ALL...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; The Sackler family is evil. They need to be taken out financially. This is their god. Oxycontin is an amoral product; neither good nor evil, it has helped...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I don’t think safe needle-exchange houses and places where illegal drugs are used, and in a sense promoted by the...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I’m not so worried about facilities offering buprenorphine, methadone AND naltrexone. What concerns me is that only about a third of centers...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; PER2, which influences the body’s biological clock, and POMC, which regulates our stress-response system. Methylation of the promotor region of the DNA turns the gene “on”. This...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; It’s about time that we had a Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome study on the effects of Buprenorphine! As I’ve suspected for a long time, it’s better than Methadone! Maybe...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; We DO need more information on Cannabis, one way or aother to support or suppress use of this plant. I...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; So good to hear an academic residency director honestly disclosing the “sordid past” of her genetic makeup! Will the state medical board attack her too? A Piece of My...