by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; It’s great to see such a well-written article and community taking this approach. It’s not great that there is not enough treatment...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comments; It’s great to see grass-roots efforts tackling this problem at the local street level. Jimpat Schweinsberg formed an online group...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; This is not surprising with the emphasis on legalizing pot for medication use, then for recreational use, then vaping took over and...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; This will be more costly in the short-term, but there’s a chance that it’ll be less costly in the long-term IF and only if the addicted folks involved are able to be motivated to...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Am glad to see that the FDA is also taking this approach and using social media to do so, reaching the youth at their level. In the latest of a series of actions to address the epidemic...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I’m all for this! I find that appropriately motivated & educated people can use E-Cigarettes as a...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; It’s good to see that this is being treated so seriously at such high levels...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction
OxyContin Maker Granted Patent for Opioid-Addiction Treatment Comment; Color me skeptical. This “new” medication is simply a slightly altered dosage form of what’s been around for well over a decade. I don’t see myself writing for it and expect it to be very highly...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Any & every way that we can get the severity and more information about the epidemic and resources to fight it is welcome. Matt Moen 06 September Artists Tyler Swanner and Preston...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; From a US perspective, this is astounding to me. I love the phrase heard in AA Meetings that folks will use to describe their heritage; “I’m CIA (Catholic, Irish,...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Part of me wonders how accurate this study is; Electronic Health Records are a bane to most physician’s existence. Poorly designed software...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction
Adolescents Face Large Addiction-Treatment Gap Comment; A larger order of magnitude in this tragedy when one considers years of potential life lost! Scott E. Hadland, MD, MPH, MS Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Boston Medical Center / Boston University School of...