by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; It’s no secret that healthcare providers’ behavior and cognitive mindsets affect clinical interactions. Now it’s been documented in a peer-reviewed journal. We all bring our biases based on our...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I find it hard to believe that there were no increases in ED visits, requests for early refills etc. But am heartened to find that it’s...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Great idea for a study–check the school grounds. I think student interviews would also be useful and a chance to encourage abstinence. It appears that promises to remove flavorings...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Disappointing that there is no mention of the fact that AA entered the USSR in the 1990s, I suspect this also had a significant though unrecognized (in this article) impact! Journal of Studies on Alcohol and...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction! Comment; It makes sense that adding Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE) would help those on Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) who have chronic pain with addiction...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; I would not have looked for this connection but can see why it would be present, addicts are more impulsive, the fact that violence is linked to a more impulsive personality...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Fake news indeed! How can we resolve an issue that we cannot define? Are many homeless people in L.A. mentally ill? New findings back the public’s perception...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; Interesting study in rats demonstrating that low doses of pre-natal exposure to alcohol in the mother leads to future metabolic abnormalities in males and their future development–even a...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; A reminder on the duty we owe to not abandon our patients, to refer those we are unable to effectively manage, the utility & benefits of buprenorphine. This is a very challenging area of medicine!...
by Dr. Raymond Oenbrink | Addiction Comment; We need to do better. I have an admitted bias for buprenorphine. This study shows unacceptable delay in getting these folks on medication, more Naltrexone use in younger populations. If the...