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Budd’s resolution aims to end stigma, urge treatment of substance abuse Comment; Promoting the facts that addiction is a chronic, treatable illness, in need of more evidence-based protocols...
A Medication To Treat Meth Addiction? Some Take A New Look At Naltrexone Comment; I've had anecdotal reports from patients that buprenorphine also helped with methamphetamine addiction. Knowing that there's...
With Safe Injection Sites, ‘Somebody Has to Go First.’ It Could Be Philadelphia. Comment; Controversial topic, am not totally...
The effects of psychosocial stress on dopaminergic function and the acute stress response Comment; It appears that the emotional part of the brain builds stressors upon prior stressors while the physical aspects (heart rate, BP, etc.) become tolerant of successive stresses. Michael AP Bloomfield , Robert A...
Diverging Trends in the Relationship Between Binge Drinking and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents in the U.S. From 1991 Through 2018 Comment; in the past, we thought alcoholism and depression in adolescents were tightly linked--now, not so much... Katherine M. Keyes, Ph.D.a,∗,Correspondence information about the author Ph.D. Katherine...
Negative and positive life events and their relation to substance and behavioral addictions Comment; Interesting premise, addicted folks have more positive AND negative life events, place more emphasis on the negative and are more likely to suffer alcohol, drug & gambling addictions....
A new bill would let more doctors prescribe addiction treatments without waiting for insurers’ permission Comment; I HATE prior-authorizations (PA's). The insurer-led process that requires a duly licensed (State Medical Board AND active DEA) to waste time online and/or phone trying...
The nation’s response to addiction: Moving from rescue to recovery Comment; Medication-Assisted Treatment works. It belongs in the penal system as well, proof is starting to come out to what those of us in the addiction...
From cone snail venom to pain relief How conotoxins can be used in pain therapy Comment; Opioids trigger receptors which open ion channels to cause nerve cell depolarization--transmission of nerve impulses. Cone snail produced conotoxins open ion channels by different mechanisms;...
Does time spent using social media impact mental health?: An eight year longitudinal study Comment; It's nice to know that we're not poisoning our minds with online social media. links open overlay panelSarah M.CoyneAdam A.RogersJessica...
Trends in Internet Searches for Cannabidiol (CBD) in the United States Comment; Signs of the times, CBD searches on the internet are increasing commissurate with the many unsubstantiated claims by producers of the various benefits--some real, many imagined produced by...
Short-Term Impact of a Flavored Tobacco Restriction: Changes in Youth Tobacco Use in a Massachusetts Community Comment; Restricting sale of flavored tobacco products to youth does reduce intake among that population. It works. Now we need more widespread adoption with ongoing study of the results. Melody...
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