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Cheap and powerful ‘meth 2.0’ is ravaging communities and slowly killing its victims Comment; "It's not the pretty people", Meth is a scourge that affects mainly the lower socioeconomic classes & areas with poor employment...
Natural Treatments for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Comment; Excellent summary of options to help control MCAS both using non-prescription & prescription medications, lifestyle alterations, caveats on the way to get the best effect from therapy etc.
A common neural signature of brain injury in concussion and subconcussion Comment; Scary how much damage can occur by a mechanism that we hadn't really considered and that it can be worse than direct blows to the head. We at least have tools to detect and...
Aging of lymphoid organs: Can photobiomodulation reverse age‐associated thymic involution via stimulation of extrapineal melatonin synthesis and bone marrow stem cells? Comment; So Photobiomodulation (PBM) can restore the thymus gland, a gland that shrivels, shrinks and becomes inactive with age. OK. I'd like to see long-term studies that it doesn't also promote lymphoma...
Protection against neurodegeneration with low-dose methylene blue and near-infrared light Comment; 0.5-4 mg/kg Methylene blue with red to near-IR 620–1150 nm wavelength light from laser or LED can penetrate to the human brain with up to 2% energy absorption. They work independently & synergistically...
Teen Vapers Who Want To Quit Look For Help Via Text
Brain immune cells may protect against OCD, anxiety Comment; Hoxb8 glial cells protect against over-grooming in female mice, inadequate amounts of Hoxb8 derived glial cells is associated with increased anxiety related behavior in females but not males. This makes...
Marijuana use during pregnancy: What clinicians need to know Comment; Lower education level, socioeconomic status, unmarried, suffering from anxiety &...
Flavored E-cigarette Use and Progression of Vaping in Adolescents
Alcohol metabolism contributes to brain histone acetylation Comment; Histones "pack" DNA tightly enough to fit into the nucleus of the cell. Histones regulate DNA transcription--the DNA needs to be "unpacked" prior to being copied to make proteins. This article shows how...
Cannabinoids for the treatment of mental disorders and symptoms of mental disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis Comment; Excellent study looking at 83 studies and over 3,000 patients found little benefit for everything but depression which improves slightly with THC and leaves the door open for...
Intra brainstem connectivity is impaired in chronic fatigue syndrome Comment; Impaired connectivity in the brainstem should be expected as it's metabolically active. ME/CFS impairs mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. The brainstem is involved in transmission &...
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