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Are Pollutants Causing Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes? The Link Between Persistent Organic Pollutants and Metabolic Syndrome
Socially transmitted placebo effects Comment; It's no secret that healthcare providers’ behavior and cognitive mindsets affect clinical interactions. Now it's been documented in a peer-reviewed journal. We all bring our biases based on our history,...
Shining light on the head: Photobiomodulation for brain disorders Comment; Brief summary. LASER Mechanism of Action Cytochrome-c oxidase:Nitric Oxide (NO) uncoupling to release the inhibitory effects of NO.Brief increase in reactive oxygen species triggers mitochondrial signaling...
Almost half of Americans have dealt with substance abuse in family: Gallup
Could a unique new fungus offer an opioid alternative? Comment; A "d"-isomer tetrapeptide (molecule made up of 4 sub-parts) that fits into the mammalian opioid receptors coming from a primitive fungus--wow! I've never heard of nor imagined such a thing!...
Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Variability in Preschool Children Exposed to Smokeless Tobacco in Fetal Life Comment; Smokeless tobacco is not safe, neither for adults or those in utero of mom's who smoke. The fact that there is fallout six years after smoking is surprising--I thought kids, being as "plastic" and...
Photobiomodulation and the brain: a new paradigm Comment; Low-level laser stimulation across the mouse skull benefits its brain's mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase & ion channels. This can benefit a variety of neurodegenerative illness Madison...
New Opioid Prescription Dosages Drop 22 Percent in Penn Medicine’s New Jersey Practices Following Changes to State Law and Health Record Alerts Comment; I find it hard to believe that there were no increases in ED visits, requests for early refills etc. But am heartened to find that it's...
The China Connection: How One D.E.A. Agent Cracked a Global Fentanyl Ring Comment; Extremely well-written story about unraveling the various layers protecting Chinese entrepreneur's involvement and how the dark web facilitates...
Redefining Addiction. Reimagining Solutions. Comment; Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People...
Marked efficacy of metronidazole for the intestinal pseudoobstruction associated with systemic sclerosis Comment; I was aware of Erythromycin being used as a prokinetic GI agent, metronidazole is a new one to me, one to keep in mind as it can also help with overgrowth of C. diff and other potential anaerobic pathogens. Azuma...
Notes from the Field: Environmental Contamination from E-cigarette, Cigarette, Cigar, and Cannabis Products at 12 High Schools — San Francisco Bay Area, 2018–2019 Comment; Great idea for a study--check the school grounds. I think student interviews would also be useful and a chance to encourage abstinence. It appears that promises to remove flavorings from...
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