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Are many homeless people in L.A. mentally ill? New findings back the public’s perception Comment; Fake news indeed! How can we resolve an issue that we cannot define? Are many homeless people in L.A. mentally ill? New findings back the public’s perception...
Prenatal alcohol exposure programs offspring disease: Insulin resistance in adult males in a rat model of acute exposure Comment; Interesting study in rats demonstrating that low doses of pre-natal exposure to alcohol in the mother leads to future metabolic abnormalities in males and their future development--even a little...
Patient-Centered Reduction or Discontinuation of Long-term Opioid Analgesics The HHS Guide for Clinicians Comment; A reminder on the duty we owe to not abandon our patients, to refer those we are unable to effectively manage, the utility & benefits of buprenorphine. This is a very challenging area of medicine!...
Characteristics and Receipt of Medication Treatment Among Young Adults Who Experience a Nonfatal Opioid-Related Overdose Comment; We need to do better. I have an admitted bias for buprenorphine. This study shows unacceptable delay in getting these folks on medication, more Naltrexone use in younger populations. If the...
Neural and neurocognitive markers of vulnerability to gambling disorder: a study of unaffected siblings Comment; The thalamus is involved in emotions/limbic system, the caudate nucleus with associative learning and inhibitory control--these areas were involved in functional MRI. This is a good study involving males with...
Years of Life Lost due to Opioid Overdose in Ohio Temporal and Geographic Patterns of Excess Mortality Comment; Unbelievable devastation, half a million years of life lost, mainly due to surreptitious fentanyl exposure, most of which is...
Conjugative Transfer of a Novel Staphylococcal Plasmid Encoding the Biocide Resistance Gene, qacA Comment; Plasmid transfer of resistance to antibiotics is common & widespread. This study drills down a bit to identify more precisely what is going on with Skin/Soft Tissue Infections & Chlorhexedine....
Coagulase-negative staphylococcus culture in chronic rhinosinusitis Comment; This 2014 article identifies that CoNS presence alone does not predict problems after sinus surgery. Although mention of biofilms is made in the article, the authors don't seem to recognize it's...
The pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance of coagulase-negative Staphylococci isolated from the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses. Comment; This 2004 study recognizes that biofilm production is a factor that needs to be given Aral M1, Keleş E, Okur E, Alpay HC, Yilmaz M. Author information 1Kahramanmaraş Sütçü Imam University,...
Breast Implant Infections: An Update. Comment; This article completely ignores breast implant associated inflammation. This was a major problem with older silicone implants, but is still present in some ladies with saline implants and can involve inflammatory...
An investigation of the association between toxin producing staphylococcus, biochemical changes and jaw muscle pain. Comment; Article describes the association of toxin-producing Staphylcocci, jaw muscle pain & biochemical alterations in the immune system implicating Coagulase-Negative Staph (CoNS) and inflammatory changes...
Are coagulase-negative staphylococci virulent? Comment; Biofilms are probably under-appreciated in their role in facilitating development and spread of disease. It's not just about drug resistance in the lab, I suspect biofilm forming organisms and their role with...
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