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Discovery of the Lyme Disease Agent Comment; Detailed history of the discovery of Borrelia burgdorferii, the organism responsible for Lyme disease and it's association with Babesiosis, another tick-borne illness. Alan G. Barbour, Jorge L....
Some Lyme Disease patients having trouble getting treatment covered Comment; This is criminal activity by the insurance companies, perhaps some MAJOR awards against insurance companies would convince them to do the right...
The prevalence of Lyme disease and associated co-infections in people with a chronic post-concussive syndrome. Comment; Interesting, valid study demonstrating that there's a correlation with folks who have had a concussion with poor response to therapy also having had exposure to Lyme, suggesting neuroborreliosis. Recall that lab...
The most powerful internet of things (IoT) companies to watch Comment; For those of us with sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, the expanding "Internet of Things" (IoT) will require electricity to power all of the...
The Health 202: States face an opioid funding cliff next year Comment; A reflection on the uncertainty regarding continued funding which is necessary to cover the...
Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid-Use Disorder Comment; Great review of options with excellent recommendations to assist in choosing among buprenorphine, methadone Abstract The United States is in the midst of a national opioid epidemic....
Medications for Maintenance Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in Adolescents: A Narrative Review and Assessment of Clinical Benefits and Potential Risks Comment; As expected, Buprenorphine is safe for adolescents, seems a safer/better choice than either Methadone or Naltrexone--all of which are effective Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80(4), 393–402...
Self-reported Health Diagnoses and Demographic Correlates With Kratom Use Results from an Online Survey Comment; Bottom line? Kratom seems to work better at easing transition from drug dependency and those who self-medicate mental illness...
Here’s How to Fight Addiction. Trust Me, I’m in Recovery — But does the government have the guts? Comment; Brief review of the problems treating addiction in the US from the front line, a physician addiction specialist with decades of practice AND personal decades of recovery. y Paul H. Earley, MD,...
Treatment centers sue UnitedHealth unit for $5M in denied claims Comment; I'm no fan of managed care organizations/insurance companies, having been robbed of hundreds of thousands of dollars for care properly delivered by...
Tracing the US opioid crisis to its roots Comment; Brief summary of how Purdue Pharma and the Stackler family in particular essentially single-handedly caused the North American opioid epidemic through misleading information presented to the US Medical...
Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with E-Cigarette Use, or Vaping Comment; Vaping is NOT safe, BUT, it's a lot SAFER than smoking tobacco. I find it can be VERY effective in helping motivated patients quit smoking--better than patches, inhalers,...
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