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Wrongful death suit shows pitfalls of IDSA Lyme guidelines Comment; The IDSA is very restrictive regarding when antibiotics are appropriate for SUSPECTED Lyme disease. An illness plagued by numerous false-negative test results that can be LETHAL. The International...
Psychosis in Borrelia burgdorferi infection – part II: case reports Comment; I shudder to think of how many folks are in psych inpatient facilities long-term, even how many are on chronic anti-psychotic medications--when they REALLY need appropriate antimicrobial treatment! Summary In the...
‘The nightmare everyone is worried about’: HIV cases tied to opioids spike in West Virginia county Comment; The opioid epidemic and fentanyl are bad enough, adding HIV into the mix is unimaginable. Unfortunately, I think needle exchanges & pre-exposure prophylaxis are necessary....
Acupuncture attenuates alcohol dependence through activation of endorphinergic input to the nucleus accumbens from the arcuate nucleus Comment; I've been providing acupuncture detox via the NADA protocol for a few years. It doubles the probability of long-term clean time for alcohol, opioid, stimulant, cannabis abuse. It's nice to see the "Western"...
A novel role for the actin-binding protein drebrin in regulating opiate addiction Comment; A very technical paper on the molecular biology behind opioid abuse & addiction--no clear way to harness this information for widespread treatment (yet), perhaps someday?
Full Access Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorders and Schizophrenia: Pathophysiological Insights and Clinical Implications Comment; Family history of schizophrenia and secondary gain are the most strongly linked factors for progression to schizophrenia from substance abuse, the most likely substances to cause...
Macrolide therapy of chronic Lyme Disease. Comment; Great to know of a way to get a leg up on Borrelia, an organism that hides so well, is so difficult to diagnose & treat! Donta ST1. Author information 1Boston University Medical Center, 650 Albany Street-8th...
Trajectories of prescription drug misuse during the transition from late adolescence into adulthood in the USA: a national longitudinal multicohort study Comment; Great summary of the risk factors for substance abuse teased out among preferred substance of abuse and age at onset of abuse. Prof Sean Esteban McCabe, PhD Philip T...
Vitamin E Suspected In Serious Lung Problems Among People Who Vaped Cannabis Comment; Water is good--essential for life--unless you're drowning! The same can be said of Vitamin E... Fascinating that folks...
Alcohol use disorders Comment; Brief summary of the extent of Alcohol Use Disordes (AUD) extent, consequences & implications. Andre F Carvalho, MDProf Markus Heilig, MDAugusto PerezCharlotte Probst,...
Binge Alcohol Is More Injurious to Liver in Female than in Male Rats: Histopathological, Pharmacologic, and Epigenetic Profiles Comment; Rat data is not completely transferrable to human data, but human women are more susceptible to males to the adverse effects of alcohol, am unsure why this study was needed for data that is known and widely...
Prenatal Opioid Exposure: Neurodevelopmental Consequences and Future Research Priorities
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