Appalachian Wellness

Health Blog

Health articles, resources, and updated information on subjects such as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS), Substance abuse, Multiple chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Lyme Disease, and other concerns of complex chronic illnesses.

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Latest Articles

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Maybe It’s Lyme What happens when illness becomes an identity? Comment; It is a problem, yet an understandable one. Few physicians are truly Lyme-literate, the infection is hard to diagnose with contradictory criteria from major organizations,...

Conditions that are helped by Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Comment; Pretty extensive list of conditions that LDN benefits. Cardiac (heart) diseases Chronic Pain Dermatologic (skin) diseases Ears, Nose, Sinus, Throat Endocrine diseases Gastrointestinal diseases Hematologic/blood...

How Low Dose Naltrexone Works Comment; We need more study on the dextro-naltrexone isomer which seems to have more immune system activity whereas the levo- isomer is more active in the CNS. Interesting effects from this dose--seems so...

Low Dose Naltrexone and chronic pain – Pradeep Chopra, MD Comment; Excellent summary of the use of LDN and theory that it operates in the NMDA & Glutamate receptor systems in the CNS. Opioids (narcotics) have been used for...

Oxytocin; The Hormone of Healing & Hope Comment; A great review of some of the many benefits & uses for Oxytocin--a remarkable hormone that helps so many different conditions, unfortunately though, generally only...

How to manage opioid addiction in the workplace Comment; "Employers have a bigger influence than families on promoting recovery". That says it all. We'll do more to protect our income stream than worry about how our family members feel...

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Appalachian Wellness

Better Health Care is Our Mission & Vision

Personalized healthcare for patients suffering with chronic illness in Western North Carolina

(828) 252-9833

200 District Dr #006, Asheville, NC 28803.