Appalachian Wellness

Health Blog

Health articles, resources, and updated information on subjects such as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS), Substance abuse, Multiple chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Lyme Disease, and other concerns of complex chronic illnesses.

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Latest Articles

Check out the latest entries from our blog and let us know if you have any questions!

The Role of Oxalates in Autism and Chronic Disorders Comment; Excellent review by the director of Great Plains Laboratory on the toxicity and metabolism of oxalates MARCH 26,...

Online Mold Summit Jan 28-Feb 3 Comment; Week-long series of talks from experts on a variety of topics. I plan on attending by listening to the presentations after they are given/purchased the presentations in advance, am looking forward to reviewing them!

Hypoxia and mitochondrial oxidative metabolism Comment; Excellent update on the biochemistry of mitochondrial adaptation to hypoxia and the controlling factors regulating the bioenergetics of oxidative phosphorylation and the electron transport...

Toxic effects of mycotoxins in humans

Trump Calls For China To Use Death Penalty For Fentanyl “Pushers” Comment: This is a slippery slope.  I am pro-life, don’t believe in death for addicts, but admit it would probably make dealers think twice about cutting cheap heroin with fentanyl… By Paul...

Prevention and Treatment of Opioid Misuse and Addiction Comment; Primary care providers treat more patients with psychiatric disorders than psychiatrists do. The perspective in this article is not surprising considering where it was published. The...

Opioid Crisis Linked to Spike in Infective Endocarditis Comment; The scourge continues, an incredibly expensive illness among those least able to pay for their care—while most likely to re-acquire the illness after “treatment” (that doesn’t include adequate...

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Appalachian Wellness

Better Health Care is Our Mission & Vision

Personalized healthcare for patients suffering with chronic illness in Western North Carolina

(828) 252-9833

200 District Dr #006, Asheville, NC 28803.