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Association of E-Cigarette Use With Respiratory Disease Among Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis Comment; Dual use is more risky than either alone--no use at all is safest. No surprises there, and the fact that most folks use both. I've never been a smoker, but have treated enough folks with...
Congress Approves Raising Age to 21 for E-Cigarette and Tobacco Sales Comment; Am not a big fan of vaping in general--but it CAN have a place in helping folks get off of tobacco as part of a mult-faceted approach. I think a ban on flavored products would have more...
New York Reports A 16% Decline In Opioid Deaths Comment; Thanks in part due to a statewide push to increase treatment beds and increased federal funding for services such as mobile treatment,...
Ohio bill aims to increase in-network care for mental health, addiction treatment
Insular Risk Processing Predicts Alcohol Use Via Externalizing Pathway in Male Adolescents Comment; Male adolescents who do not effectively integrate risk-related signals are likely to engage in externalizing behaviors, which in turn are related to later alcohol use. Findings also suggest differential...
Computational Markers of Risky Decision-making for Identification of Temporal Windows of Vulnerability to Opioid Use in a Real-world Clinical Setting Comment; "Ambiguity tolerance" is the key to understand risk of opioid relapse--having a high tolerance for questionable outcome. OK. Sounds about right... Anna...
Phosphorylation of Npas4 by MAPK Regulates Reward-Related Gene Expression and Behaviors Comment; Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylates Npas4 in Dopamine-1 receptor-Medium...
Rapid increase in the prevalence of cannabis use among persons with depression in the U.S., 2005‐2017: the role of differentially changing risk perceptions Comment; Increasing cannabis use is due to lowered risk perception of it's use, folks are using more of it for this reason, but folks with depression are using more than those without depression. Lauren R....
Collagen May Help Protect Brain Against Alzheimer’s Disease Comment; So, collagen V1, produced by the neurons themselves, not their supporting glial cells, actually protect against amyloid-beta (Aβ) proteins, which are widely thought to cause Alzheimer's disease...
Opioid death rate in Orange County eclipses other Southern California counties Comment; Sad that the most effective treatment for opioid addiction is ignored by the very expensive private sector facilities in Orange County CA!...
Association Between e-Cigarette Use and Depression in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2016-2017 Comment; Interesting that use of E-Cigarettes is linked with depression in adolescents. Buproprione would be a great double-duty drug for this group! Olufunmilayo H. Obisesan, MD,...
Comparison of Rural vs Urban Direct-to-Physician Commercial Promotion of Medications for Treating Opioid Use Disorder Comment; Sadly, this is unsurprising. The need for MAT is certainly present in rural areas--some sources say more than urban areas. Big Pharma spends money more in urban than rural areas because...
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