Appalachian Wellness

Health Blog

Health articles, resources, and updated information on subjects such as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS), Substance abuse, Multiple chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Lyme Disease, and other concerns of complex chronic illnesses.

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We offer free online CIRS Screening tests and Lyme screening tests that can be taken quickly in a matter of minutes from the convenience of your home.

Latest Articles

Check out the latest entries from our blog and let us know if you have any questions!

Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement reduces opioid craving among individuals with opioid use disorder and chronic pain in medication assisted treatment: Ecological momentary assessments from a stage 1 randomized controlled trial! Comment; It makes sense that adding Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE) would help those on Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) who have chronic pain with addiction...

FRIGHTENING FREQUENCIES: THE DANGERS OF 5G Comment; Very well-written summary of the dangers of 5G including the basic fact that antennae need to be close to each other because water and our tissues ABSORB the radiation--"it's not nice to fool (with) mother...

Is 5G technology bad for our health? Comment; Good introductory article on the dangers of 5G/EMF effects on the human body. Not mentioned was the fact that EMF also triggers release of more toxic volatile organic compounds--toxins from fungi/mold. I...

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Appalachian Wellness

Better Health Care is Our Mission & Vision

Personalized healthcare for patients suffering with chronic illness in Western North Carolina

(828) 252-9833

200 District Dr #006, Asheville, NC 28803.