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ERMI: Testing Your Home for Mold & Biotoxins
Part of the Shoemaker treatment protocol for Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) dictates removing potential sources of mold toxins. Toxins in the home, vehicle, workplace, or other areas where ample time is spent are all potential hurdles to successful...
CIRS: Recognizing the Symptoms
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) is a multi-system condition that can cause a wide-ranging set of symptoms. As much as 25% of the population at large is genetically susceptible to Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). As described by Ritchie...
Neil Nathan’s Review of Biotoxins & Preferred Binders Comment; We know of certain substances that we refer to as "binders" that help the body to clear biotoxins, but the question we've been...
Emerging Theories That May Help Us Solve the COVID-19 Puzzle Comment; Dr. Carnahan is up to her usual level of excellence, staying up to date on the Covid19 pandemic. I had not considered the role of oxidative stress that can...
Covid19 Pandemic and it’s effect on patients with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) induced impaired immunity.
Comment; We have good news! From what we can see thus far, Hydroxychloroquine is effective, there are other things that can also help and having CIRS does not seem to be a major risk factor for a bad outcome from CIRS. A fellow family physician sent this Clip of Dr....
Successful High-Dose Vitamin C Treatment of Patients with Serious and Critical COVID-19 Infection Comment; Why isn't this getting more attention? Something as simple as high-dose (and not even extremely high) vitamin C is controlling COVID-19 & associated respiratory failure. Certainly cheaper than...
In Vitro Antiviral Activity and Projection of Optimized Dosing Design of Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Comment; Covid19 can rapidly progress to respiratory failure, cytokines are involved in regulating the immune response. An over-active immune system without the proper "brakes" can be as deadly as infection....
Teens Find a Big Loophole in the New Flavored Vaping Ban Comment; A footnote on page 9 of the new policy permits all flavors to continue to be sold in devices that cannot be refilled and are designed to be disposed of after the flavored nicotine has...
New ways to treat the pain of the opioid crisis Comment; The opioid epidemic has lead to numerous different approaches to provide pain control. Targeting opioid receptor positive cells using the effects of the toxin botulinum,...
Normalization of mediotemporal and prefrontal activity, and mediotemporal-striatal connectivity, may underlie antipsychotic effects of cannabidiol in psychosis
Mental health and addiction providers for Medicaid patients go unpaid in Maryland
Ionizing Radiation: how fungi cope, adapt, and exploit with the help of melanin Comment; Melanins that absorb energy and promote growth--including β (beta) & ϒ (gamma) radiation--deadly to most organisms, yet there are species of black mold in the abandoned Chernobyl reactor's cooling...
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