Appalachian Wellness

Health Blog

Health articles, resources, and updated information on subjects such as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS), Substance abuse, Multiple chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Lyme Disease, and other concerns of complex chronic illnesses.

Free Screening Tests

We offer free online CIRS Screening tests and Lyme screening tests that can be taken quickly in a matter of minutes from the convenience of your home.

Latest Articles

Check out the latest entries from our blog and let us know if you have any questions!

Mental health crisis: We must speak with one powerful voice in 2020

Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults: A Growing Threat Comment; Interesting problem, drug users/abusers aging and continuing use--with numerous expected and some unexpected complications. Abstinence is best, yet getting...

TOUCHED BY LYME: “Lyme Action Fly-In” planned for Washington DC Comment; The point is made that just because funding has been allocated in advance, does not mean that congress will fund it each year--it's a good idea to have "boots on the...

Your Health Starts Here

Contact us to schedule your appointment today!

Phone: (828) 785-1850 

Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday-Thursday

Appalachian Wellness

Better Health Care is Our Mission & Vision

Personalized healthcare for patients suffering with chronic illness in Western North Carolina

(828) 252-9833

200 District Dr #006, Asheville, NC 28803.