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Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure during rat pregnancy leads to symmetrical fetal growth restriction and labyrinth-specific vascular defects in the placenta Comment; Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure during pregnancy interferes with glucose-1 transporter & glucocorticoid (cortisol) expression controllers in the placenta resulting in low birth weight. More information...
Dopamine-Evoked Synaptic Regulation in the Nucleus Accumbens Requires Astrocyte Activity Comment; This is a bit of a game-changer. We know that neuron's are active in transmitting impulses,...
Mental health crisis: We must speak with one powerful voice in 2020
Early childhood deprivation is associated with alterations in adult brain structure despite subsequent environmental enrichment Comment; Brain development is fascinating. Early neglect can have permanent ramifications on developmental potential--despite future enrichment of the environment. Unexpected! View ORCID ProfileNuria K. Mackes, Dennis...
Trends in alcohol and marijuana detected in homicide victims in 9 US states: 2004–2016 Comment; Alcohol is the predominant substance in victims, but pot prevalence is rapidly increasing, more study may reveal clues... Oybek Nazarov & Guohua Li Injury...
The acute effects of nicotine on corticostriatal responses to distinct phases of reward processing Comment; In the Nucleus accumbens, nicotine has a stronger effect on anticipation than on outcome. Kainan S. Wang, Maya Zegel, Elena Molokotos, Lauren V. Moran, David P. Olson, Diego A....
Sadness, but not all negative emotions, heightens addictive substance use Comment; I don't see the clinical benefit of identifying sadness from other "negative" emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, shame and addiction activities, but I suppose it's good to have this basic science on hand. Significance...
Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults: A Growing Threat Comment; Interesting problem, drug users/abusers aging and continuing use--with numerous expected and some unexpected complications. Abstinence is best, yet getting...
TOUCHED BY LYME: “Lyme Action Fly-In” planned for Washington DC Comment; The point is made that just because funding has been allocated in advance, does not mean that congress will fund it each year--it's a good idea to have "boots on the...
Perspective: Cell danger response Biology—The new science that connects I environmental health with mitochondria and the rising tide of chronic illness Comment; Dr. Naviaux brings forth a revolutionary concept with good references to back it up. Essentially, the mitochondria--long thought of as "power plants" responsible for generating...
Body dissatisfaction and smartphone addiction among Chinese adolescents: A moderated mediation model Comment; Adolescence is such an emotional minefield, add to that addictive behavior of any sort-substance or behavior and things get more complicated. Here, however, we have a predictive model that...
Development of structure–function coupling in human brain networks during youth Comment; Interesting, how synapses seem to form, disassociate and re-form in other patterns that coincide with improving executive function; weighing pro's and con's of different courses of action. Graham L. Baum, Zaixu...
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