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Functional and structural neuroimaging studies of delayed reward discounting in addiction: A systematic review. Comment; Other than what is known about the role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the reward/gratification activities, there's a lot of variation among individuals regarding other brain areas involved in the...
Justin Bieber reveals he has Lyme disease: ‘I will be back and better than ever’ Comment; Sad that he has it, perhaps it'll be good by providing more info and public knowledge as to what's going on with this illness, maybe it'll even...
Large Tick (Ixodes) Infestation of the Upper Eyelid Presenting as Eyelid Mass and Preseptal Cellulitis Comment; Impressive visuals on this case as well as the need for surgical intervention to en-bloc remove the foreign body and continue with appropriate medical therapy for tick-borne illness.
Minnesota medical board reinstates sanctions on controversial Lyme disease treatment Comment; This is a travesty. In North Carolina, BCBSNC influenced Medical Board members to revoke the license of Joseph Jemesek MD for providing...
Rickettsia spp. Infecting Lone Star Ticks (Amblyomma americanum) (Acari: Ixodidae) in Monmouth County, New Jersey Comment; The Rickettsiae organisms in ticks in NY are undergoing genetic drift-evolving in coastal NJ. Engineered or naturally? Andrea Egizi, Sydney...
Photobiomodulation Comment; Excellent review of PBM for treatment of depression, physiologic effects on the Cytochrome-C oxidase system in mitochondria and immunologic and other effects.
Effect of different roasting levels and particle sizes on ochratoxin A concentration in coffee beans Comment; Coarse ground & dark roasted coffee is safest in terms of low amounts of Ochratoxin A. Author links open overlay panelGislaineOliveiraaDaiani Mariada SilvabRosemary Gualberto...
Mycotoxins in Food and Feed: Present Status and Future Concerns Comment; Overview of the risks of mycotoxins in the food chain with summary of the major mycotoxins involved and their toxic effects as well as strategies to remove them from the food supply....
Impact of food processing and detoxification treatments on mycotoxin contamination Comment; Overview of the methods used to remove mycotoxins from the food chain and necessity to do so while acknowledging the safety of our food supply currently due to use of best practices. Petr Karlovsky,...
TOUCHED BY LYME: Senators ask NIAID’s Fauci pointed questions about Lyme
TOUCHED BY LYME: Senators ask NIAID’s Fauci pointed questions about Lyme Comment; Am unsure if this is grandstanding or a true quest to find out what needs to be done so that funding can be provided. A bi-partisan group of United States senators has sent a letter to...
Evaluation of a Novel High-Definition PCR Multiplex Assay for the Simultaneous Detection of Tick-Borne Pathogens in Human Clinical Specimens Comment; Polymerase Chain Reaction assay looks at the DNA directly instead of host antibodies to a pathogen. A test that can look at various tick-borne pathogens simultaneously--via DNA instead of antibodies,...
Evaluating the effectiveness of an integrated tick management approach on multiple pathogen infection in Ixodes scapularis questing nymphs and larvae parasitizing white-footed mice Comment; The odds of collecting a parasitizing I. scapularis infected with any pathogen from a white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) was reduced by 90% in the combined deer removal, Met52, and fipronil...
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