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Investigation of the performance of serological assays used for Lyme disease testing in Australia Comment; The apparent false positive rate is <4% due to differences in lab technique/testing used to explain differences between results in Australian labs (Lyme is unknown in Australia)...
LYME DISEASE PREVALENCE: DOES SEX MATTER? Comment; Two big areas unaddressed by this study: 1) women are more prone to seek medical attention than men, 2) while women certainly participate in outdoor activities, I suspect men spend more...
VIP Benefits;
1. VIP is only drug known that corrects the final stage of molecular hypometabolism: suppression of ribosomal gene and nuclear encoded mitochondrial gene activation (1). 2. VIP is only drug known that that corrects grey matter nuclear atrophy (looking at hippocampus,...
The Patriarchy of Alcoholics Anonymous Comment; Opinion of a woman with 6 years of sobriety who disagrees with the AA approach, describing how it runs contrary to her version of femininity. AA/12-step programs are not the only way...
Association between methamphetamine use and retention among patients with opioid use disorders treated with buprenorphine Comment; Methamphetamine use is a risk factor for buprenorphine patients leaving the buprenorphine program and relapsing. The longer somebody is on BUP, the more likely they are to...
Human-specific mutations in VMAT1 confer functional changes and multi-directional evolution in the regulation of monoamine circuits Comment; This article demonstrates essentially, at the cellular & molecular level, how our ancestors were more tuned in to their environment than we are. We can afford to be less aware since...
A Spatiomolecular Map of the Striatum Comment; The Striatum is a cluster of nerve cells below the forebrain involved in motor & reward...
Prefrontal regulation of punished ethanol self-administration Comment; The ventro-medial pre-frontal cortex is a key region of the brain involved in alcohol use disorder in mice. This can probably be extrapolated to humans, giving us another...
Cannabis-related psychosis, addiction, ER visits: For young users, marijuana can be a dangerous game Comment; The younger it's started the worse it is, psychosis more likely in those with genetic predisposition, potency of pot today is up to 30% THC vs....
Nutritional Neuropathies Comment; good review of the various nutritional neuropathies, how they present, how to resolve them and long-term prognosis Nancy Hammond, MD, Yunxia...
6 Ways to Hack Jet Lag
Mold inhalation causes innate immune activation, neural, cognitive and emotional dysfunction Comment; Activated & inactivated spore types decreased neurogenesis and caused striking memory deficits in young mice, while decreasing pain thresholds and enhancing auditory-cued memory in older...
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