Comment; I think this overall depth of despair is due to a lack of moral compass, spiritual disability, lack of acknowledgment of God as our primary focus. I don’t see that variable addressed in the study. Shame.
Lauren Gaydosh PhD, Robert A. Hummer PhD, Taylor W. Hargrove PhD, Carolyn T. Halpern PhD, Jon M. Hussey PhD, Eric A. Whitsel MD, Nancy Dole (show all authors)Author affiliations, information, and correspondence detailsAccepted: January 21, 2019 Published Online: April 10, 2019

Objectives. To test whether indicators of despair are rising among US adults as they age toward midlife and whether this rise is concentrated among low-educated Whites and in rural areas.
Methods. We used data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, a nationally representative study of US adolescents in 1994. Our sample was restricted to individuals who participated in 1 or more of 5 waves (1994ā2017) and self-identified as non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, or Hispanic (nā=ā18ā446). We examined change in indicators of despair from adolescence to adulthood using multilevel regression analysis, testing for differences by race/ethnicity, education, and rurality.
Results. We found evidence of rising despair among this cohort over the past decade. This increase was not restricted to low-educated Whites or to rural areas.
Conclusions. Results suggest that generally rising despair among the young adult cohort now reaching midlife that cuts across racial/ethnic, educational, and geographic groups may presage rising midlife mortality for these subgroups in the next decade.
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