Comment; Makes sense. Physicians should be able to prescribe as their training and experience, coupled with the needs of the patient dictate. Forced tapers lead to use of street drugs. How many deaths due to unlicensed illicit fentanyl and other contaminants must we endure?
Joshua CohenContributorHealthcareI write about drug value, market access, and healthcare systems

FILE – This Aug. 15, 2017 file photo shows an arrangement of pills of the opioid oxycodone-acetaminophen. (AP Photo/Patrick Sison) Photo credit: Associated Press
In light of an opioid crisis that has claimed tens of thousands of lives, health authorities and regulators have attempted to reduce the number of opioids prescribed to patients by forced tapering or the institution of quotas. While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advocates tapering and, in some cases, discontinuing opioids in patients who have used using them as long-term therapy for non-malignant chronic pain, it purposely designed its guideline as non-mandatory. However, a number of legislators, pharmacies, and payers have perhaps misinterpreted the recommendations and turned them into compulsory limits and quotas. In certain instances, mandatory opioid tapers may do more harm than good, medical experts warn in a letter published in the journal Pain Medicine. The letter states that “rapid forced tapering can destabilize patients, lead to a worsening of pain, precipitate severe opioid withdrawal symptoms and cause a profound loss of function.”
Obviously, reducing misuse is an appropriate objective. But, the means to do so ought to reflect a balanced approach of risk management, rather than blunt instruments, such as a blanket policy of compulsory tapering or the institution of mandatory opioid quotas. Some non-cancer chronic pain patients have reported that their physicians have either stopped prescribing opioids entirely or involuntarily tapered them to doses that are not adequate to address their pain. But, according to Dr. Joanna Starrels, an opioids researcher and associate professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine “the decision to taper opioids should be based on whether the benefits for pain and function outweigh the harm for that patient.” A case-by-case approach is warranted, she says, as each decision “takes a lot of clinical judgment. It’s individualized and nuanced. We can’t codify it with an arbitrary threshold.”
Furthermore, one of the fears is that some patients may seek relief by obtaining illicit opioids. And this alarms policymakers, given that currently, according to Dr. Marcia Angell, the “overwhelming majority of deaths are caused not by opioids such as OxyContin, but by combinations of fentanyl, heroin, and cocaine. … frequently taken along with benzodiazepines and alcohol.”
The letter published in Pain Medicine calls for a patient-centered approach of “compassionate systems for opioid tapering” in carefully selected patients, with close monitoring and realistic goals. What this means is that prescribing and payer payment policies balance the real need that exists for opioid analgesics for certain patients, with being aware of and mitigating the risk of addiction or diversion. For those deemed at risk of addiction or diversion, non-opioid treatments or non-pharmacologic alternatives can be offered.
At this juncture, it is imperative that the opioid treatment debate evolves from a discussion focused on “too little” or “too much, to a discussion focused on identification of best treatment practices for chronic pain patients. An appropriate risk stratification plan for patients presenting with pain at the clinic may lead to a reduction in unnecessary prescriptions of opioids, but also an improved algorithm for identifying those patients who would benefit most from alternative, non-opioid pain treatments.
Notably, in 2016, the CDC laid the groundwork for risk stratification in its guidelines on opioid prescribing. In that guidance, the CDC outlined a nuanced, patient-centric view on opioid prescribing. Namely, patients who present at the physician’s office with chronic pain should be assessed individually for their actual need for opioids versus non-opioid or even non-pharmacologic treatment, as well as key factors gleaned from a patient’s risk profile. In other words, rather than automatically matching pain levels to specific doses of an opioid or other analgesic, physicians are advised in the CDC guideline to tailor treatment following a thorough evaluation of each patient that includes a review of tolerance for pain, subjective preferences for treatment, and risk of misuse, abuse, and diversion.
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