Kelly C. Young-Wolff, PhD, MPH1; Lue-Yen Tucker, BA1; Stacey Alexeeff, PhD1; et al
Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug during pregnancy, and its use is increasing. From 2002 to 2014, the prevalence of self-reported, past-month marijuana use among US adult pregnant women increased from 2.4% to 3.9%.1 In aggregated 2002-2012 data, 14.6% of US pregnant adolescents reported past-month use.2 However, studies are limited to self-reported surveys and likely underestimate use due to social desirability bias and under-reporting, leaving the scope of the problem unclear. We investigated trends of prenatal marijuana use from 2009-2016 using data from a large California health care system with universal screening via self-report and urine toxicology.
This is somewhat disturbing. How many fetuses, innocent people to be are affected by this? What will the long-term effects be?
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