Mold Toxicity Summit; Outline of presentation by Christine Schaffner, ND

  1. Detoxification Strategy or Lymphatic System
    1. Glial dependent lymphatic system in CNS/brain (“Glymph system”)
      1. May be involved in neurodegenerative diseases
      1. Chronic sinusitis, chronic dental infections, chronic URI
      1. Neurocognitive problems
      1. Waldemeyers Ring, cervical nodes, open downstream drainage to promote brain drainage/glymphatic
    1. Signs of lymphatic congestion
      1. Chronic sinus congestion
      1. Chronic adenopathy
      1. Breast issues
      1. Toxin overload
      1. Presents as flu-like symptoms
    1. Pay attention to organs of excretion and “downstream” systems
    1. Glymphatic system works more at night
      1. Inclined sleeping with slight head elevation can help
      1. Sofia Flow cream, lymph mover, applied to neck to promote downstream flow
      1. BioPure detox deodorant, herbal based, applied to neck, axillae, soles, clavicles, groin
      1. Bee venom ointment if not allergic to bees, applied to skin to improve circulation and drainage
        1. Also good for pain due to Melatin, a peptide that has an anti-spirochete/anti-Lyme effect
        1. Liposomal melatonin to promote sleep,
          1. Melatonin is also neuroprotective
          1. Removes aluminum from brain via glymphatics
    1. Lymphatic drainage techniques for the body
      1. Gut contains a lot of lymphatics and nodes
        1. Chronic GI inflammation impairs gut lymphatics
        1. Bloating, full abdomen
      1. Once abdomen is draining properly, other areas drain better
      1. Myo-abdominal massage, abdominal massage, anterior cervical throat massage, thoracic pump can be helpful with castor oil also helps promote drainage and increase WBC count, can be applied over liver and abdomen
      1. Self-lymphatic drainage massage to support waste clearance & organs of elimination
        1. An important concept is to clear all “downstream obstructions” working your way from the most “downstream” to the most “proximal” so that there are no obstructions to waste elimination between cell and outside world.
        1. Liver
          1. A thorough liver cleanse is a good idea prior to lymphatic drainage, many protocols are available, this one is very thorough, a more gentle one may be needed, Google “Liver Cleanse”
        1. Kidney
          1. A thorough kidney cleanse may also be needed such as this, or others through Google
          1. Increased water intake is crucial for this as well!
        1. Lung
          1. A good lung cleanse can also be helpful
          1. Percussion is also helpful as is the
          1. thoracic pump is also helpful
          1. Positioning with the throat downward can also help, first one side down the other (lying on your side)
        1. Skin (dry skin brushing, etc.) from distal to proximal (body core)
      1. Vibration plates and various types of vibrators/wands can be helpful
      1. Colonics remove bile toxicity
      1. Lymphatic drainage can help prevent adverse reactions
        1. Need to not only move it, but to
        1. Move it OUT
      1. Eczema can be a reaction to poor lymphatic drainage
    1. Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is being recognized more often
      1. Lyme
      1. Mold
      1. Parasitic activations
      1. Immune system is on high alert, over activity
        1. Patients are on “high alert” immunologically
      1. Drainage, homeopathy, gentle detox initially can help
      1. Endocannabinoid system helps as does addressing the Limbic system, especially for hypersensitive patients who have often been traumatized by numerous prior triggers
        1. Fear-Trauma cycle
        1. Vagus nerve seems to be overactive
        1. Calming the autonomic nervous system is helpful
        1. Calming neuroinflammation helps treatment overall.
      1. High limbic system alert compounds the disease
        1. Sympathetic nervous system alert
        1. DNS brain retraining helps
        1. Brain exercises
        1. Acupuncture
        1. Homeopathy
        1. Essential oils
        1. These may need to be addressed prior to much detox attempts
        1. Alkalinizing the body can help
        1. Balance/correct hormone imbalances
        1. Ionic footbaths do seem to help the lymphatic system
          1. May help mobilize/excrete heavy metals
          1. It’s not what is coming out of your feet
          1. Opens calcium ionic cell membrane channels
    1. Mycotoxins, carcinogenic, toxic
      1. Sinus colonization is possible, even after leaving the moldy environment
        1. This can be a source of occult mycotoxins
      1. Different from MARCoNS, chronic sinus issues
      1. Different binders work better with different toxins, there is some match up that increase’s treatment efficiency
      1. Hepatobiliary; bile is a huge excretory route/prevent enterohepatic circulation with binders and moving bile from liver to biliary system
        1. Bitter herbs, cholegogues
        1. “Push/Catch system”
          1. Dandelion root
          1. Bitter herbs
          1. Liposomal formulations of Swedish bitter herbs
          1. Gentian root
          1. Geladonium root
          1. Phosphatidyl choline thins the bile
        1. Once bile is moving, have the binder mop it up
      1. Liver Cytochrome p450
        1. Support glutathione activity
        1. Spirilla
        1. Zeolite
        1. CSM
      1. Genetic information is becoming more available
        1. Nutriens from Colorado University
      1. Most mold-toxic patients are estrogen dominant
    1. Mycotoxins are not the only thing that go through the liver
      1. Herbicides
      1. Pesticides
      1. Heavy Metals
      1. Hormones
      1. Genetic testing to look at clearance abilities can be helpful
    1. Start with Diet, organic, non-GMO
      1. Jeffrey Smith from
      1. How pesticides, herbicides and GMO’s have disrupted our systems
    1. Immune Modulation/Mast Cell Activation
      1. Detoxification is a huge piece of this
      1. Parts of immune system are overactive/others underactive
        1. Homeopathy is helpful
          1. Physica Mycotox
        1. Low dose allergen and immunotherapy
          1. Low dose allergen, giving dilute antigen helps promote immune response while dampening the overall immune response
          1. Good for multiple chemical sensitivity folks
        1. Low Dose Immunotherapy
          1. Lyme
          1. Yeast
          1. Various molds
          1. Low doses of histamine helps down-regulate hyperactive immune system
        1. Mast Cell Stabilizers
          1. Ketotifen
          1. Cromolyn
          1. H1H2 blockers
          1. Glialia, PEA ethanolamide with luteolin
            1. Helps with glial stabilization
            1. Neuroinflammation
          1. CBD/Hemp products can be helpful
          1. Low-dose naltrexone
            1. Very dose dependent 0.5-1.5 mg/d
            1. Take it 30” prior to meals—meals can trigger mast cells
        1. Autologous immune therapy derived from patient’s blood
          1. Immune blocking antibody’s as cancer therapy
        1. Neutralization/Provocation techniques from William Rea MD
    1. Ozone therapies
      1. IV
      1. Major autochemotherapy in which blood is drawn, ozonated and reinfused
      1. UV lights
      1. Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal
      1. Ozone creates down oxygen in the body
        1. Helps low-oxygen state in the body
      1. Ozone generator applied into the ears/sinuses, don’t inhale it into the lungs, sniff it into the sinuses
      1. Rectal ozone helps treat gut dysbiosis/SIBO/SIFO
    1. Mind/Body/Spirit important component
      1. EMDR
      1. Acupuncture
      1. Somatic body work to physically release prior trauma effects
        1. “stored trauma in the tissues”
      1. Loves Hidden Symmetry we have unresolved ancestral trauma passed down through generations can be expressed somatically, trauma in our DNA & cellular memory.
      1. When we help people on an emotional and spiritual level, they can then move toxicities as well, profound emotional issues can affect how we move our toxins and vice versa
        1. Mind/Body/Spiritual
        1. Hypnosis
        1. Limbic retraining
      1. The body does hold and store traumas, each cell has it’s own magnetic storage field.
        1. Psychospiritual approach
        1. Requires a full team, doctor may be the quarterback, but team needed.
Dr. Raymond Oenbrink