Mold Toxicity Conference; Outline of Presentation by Todd Watts, DC, PScD

  1. Detox can include pathogenic organisms
    1. We live in a toxic world, parasites can come from many sources
      1. May help buffer worse problems
      1. Parasites excrete toxic products as well.
      1. We need to bind and clear the parasite produced toxins.
      1. Municipal water may have larvae in it as well
      1. Food contamination is a relatively common source
      1. Animals/pets may have parasites as well
        1. Cats & Toxoplasma ghondi
        1. Nematodes
        1. Pinworms
          1. 50% of kids in daycare/school have pinworms
        1. Helminths
        1. Liver flukes
        1. Roundworms
        1. Threadworm
        1. Tapeworms
        1. Strongyloides
          1. Hard to eradicate
            1. Food allergies
            1. Headache, migraine
        1. Babesia is a protozoan red blood cell parasite/intracellular
      1. Swimming in water that may have parasites
        1. Changes in the bioterrain
        1. We are microcosms in the macrocosm
      1. Flooding with weather changes
    1. We probably need to get outdoors again to get exposure to some of these things to get our own innate immunity
    1. Fry Labs and immunoprobe
    1. Botanical Protocols to clear detrimental parasites
    1. Parasite effects on our immune system
      1. They up-regulate T-Helper2 cells which increase
        1. Interleukin 4 binding to macrophages in TH1 system
        1. Macrophages had been holding the viruses at bay are thus impaired
          1. Parasites thus allow viruses to become more active
        1. Add mold exposure to it and we cannot detox properly either
    1. Mitochondrial function with parasite infestation/infection
      1. This includes viruses and retroviruses
      1. Without adequate mitochondrial function we have a hard time healing
        1. Heavy metals bind the electron transport system
        1. Mercury directly impairs their function
        1. Oxidative stress/free radicals/cell breakdown
        1. Oxygen is an important free-radical and electron binder/acceptor
          1. Producing water
          1. Mitochondria make 1.5 liters of water/d
        1. This utilizes glutathione which converts hydrogen peroxide to water
    1. Mycotoxins really deplete oxygen in the body
      1. Hard on liver which has 5,000 mitochondria per hepatocyte
      1. The liver is a highly energetically active organ.
    1. Parasite relieving herbs and remedies
      1. Start in the gut, where 80% of our immune system resides dealing with
        1. Yeast
        1. Fungus
        1. Bacteria
        1. Toxins etc.
      1. Clear out biofilm, plaque, parasites
      1. Bitters and spices help push the parasites in the gut
        1. Bedonga
        1. Nein
        1. Trifela
        1. Clove good for parasite eggs
        1. Kutash Indian herb for Protozoans
      1. Drainage starts in the Colon, then liver, then kidneys
      1. Decrease oxidative stress and promote drainage
        1. Strongyloides 0.9-2.5 mm can plug up bile ducts & lymphatics
        1. Liver flukes can do the same thing
      1. Open the drainage pathways before the killing begins
        1. Remember to provide mitochondrial and immune system support
      1. Mimosa pudica from Biopure (mainly produced in India)
        1. Whole plant
        1. Seed; cleansed and ground works better than the whole plant
          1. More fat-soluble
          1. Helps remove intestinal biofilm/slime
            1. Can produce up to a 4 foot mucus film passed from the colon
          1. Can help Lyme and other coinfections
          1. Helps break down gut biofilm
          1. Indian/Ayurvedic herbs for parasites
            1. Meem
            1. Tripela
            1. Black Pepper
              1. One of the top anti-parasitics used in India
            1. Kootash Hoolarhana
            1. Vadonga
    1. Parasites may be more active around the full moon-cyclical treatment can be beneficial, pulse therapy including use of different herbs rotating with other products at different times
      1. Pulse-therapy is somewhat common with parasitic infections
      1. Seasonal changes can also affect parasitic activity
      1. Barometric pressure may play a role as well.
      1. On for several days of therapy around new moon and full moon then off for intervals between them
      1. Look for correlation of eczema activity around the lunar cycle
      1. May relate to menstrual cycle as well
        1. Once parasites are cleaned up, cycles stabilize and even out.
    1. Getting oxygen to the cells
      1. Toxins, mold and parasites interfere with this
      1. Ozone therapy
      1. Hyperbaric oxygen
      1. Exercise
      1. Hydration can be a source of oxygen
        1. Oxygen will bind free radicals
        1. Efficient mitochondria create more water than free radicals.
  2. Evan Brand, BCHN, CFMP, NTP; Link Between Candida & Toxic Mold
    1. Big fan of botanicals being better than pharmaceuticals
    1. Candida is an opportunistic fungal infection that can overgrow in the gut after antibiotics or other interventions.
      1. There are over 50 species of Candida
      1. Candida usually is present with other molds and other pathogens, rarely is it isolated
      1. Stool testing with DNA polymerase PQCR probes are showing numerous species that were never found with former methods of stool testing.
      1. Testing;
        1. GI Map
        1. Great Plains Lab Organic Acids Test
          1. Many folks with these gut toxins will also have Clostridia/C. diff and others
          1. Clostridia degrades dopamine hydroxylase leading to behavioral issues
          1. Autism spectrum disorders can be diagnosed via abnormal gut which shows in the OAT test
          1. 9 markers for fungal overgrowth
        1. GPL Mycotox profile is another good one for
          1. Xeralone-hormone disruptor
        1. GPL Tox screen for environmental toxins common with environmental exposures
      1. Using the GPL 3 urine profiles together can establish a timeline of problems
        1. Step one diagnose
        1. Step 2 heal
        1. Step 3 rehabilitate—these infections tend to recur
      1. Heavy Metals encourage Candida growth
        1. Other toxins also encourage Candida growth
          1. Other molds
          1. Environmental toxins
      1. Organ dysfunction can also encourage Candida growth
        1. Biofilm in the gut needs to be broken up
        1. This can drive the OAT test up, it’s best to wait about 12 weeks after breaking up the biofilm before doing the OAT test
        1. Healing may happen in layers, treat the first layer to expose the next layer a few layers of herbals may be needed to break up biofilms and eradicate different species before getting to deeper more problematic species.
        1. Even topical steroids can affect the gut microbiome
          1. Affects Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis
          1. Respiratory steroids can do this as well
        1. Acid blockers (H2 antagonists and PPI’s) are a big contributor to Candida issues
          1. H. Pylori can be a precursor to H. Pylori
          1. INCREASING stomach acidity (decreasing pH) can help close the lower esophageal sphincter
            1. In the absence of a hiatal hernia
    1. Candida/Fungal overgrowth can present as almost anything
      1. Scalp dermatitis cradle cap”
        1. Dandruff
        1. Bad hair/nutrient malabsorption
      1. Eye; floaters
      1. Acetaldehyde (EtOH metabolite) production
        1. Memory issues
        1. Ataxic    
        1. Brain fog
        1. Anxiety
        1. Sleep issues
        1. Alcohol
          1. Cravings
          1. Auto brewery syndrome
            1. Carb craving seems to be driven by the gut Candida
      1. Tongue/thrush
        1. Gums/gingival disease
      1. Chest pain
        1. Heart palpitations from mycotoxins
        1. Adrenal stressor
      1. Early satiety
        1. Cramping
        1. Bloating
        1. Altered bowel habits
          1. Constipation-most common
          1. Diarrhea
          1. Alternating
      1. Arthralgias/arthritis
        1. Pravatella infection with RA
      1. Athletes foot
      1. Vaginitis/Jock itch/inframammary tinea cruris
    1. Diet Manipulation
      1. Candida diet-organic is best-no pesticide risk-pesticides increase Candida risk/kill beneficial microbes
        1. Low carb’s
        1. Low glycemic index
        1. Organic meats
        1. Organic vegetables
        1. Moderation in fruit intake
        1. Seasonal diet
    1. SIBO is actually SIFO
      1. Growing “upstream” into the small bowel
      1. Similar herbs take care of both issues
    1. MicroBiome Support #3-his personal custom mix (Olive leaf only if lactating or pregnant)
      1. French Tarragon Leaf
      1. Thyme
      1. Pau de Arco
      1. Stinging nettle
      1. Olive leaf
      1. Tino Spora (tino spora cortifolia)
      1. Oregano
      1. Garlic/Alicillin
      1. Monolauren helps break down biofilms
      1. Essential Oils can also be helpful
    1. Pulsing for SIBO/SIFO
      1. Paralysis of migrating motor complex can be minimized with pulse treatment
      1. 5 days on, 2 days off or
      1. 21 days on, 7 days off
      1. Straight for 6 weeks, then 2 weeks off
      1. If parasites are hit to hard for to long they’ll go dormant, allow that then hit them again right after they come out of dormancy
        1. Ozonated olive oil can be helpful
    1. Herxheimer’s Reactions
      1. Ideally should be minimal or nonexistent
      1. Body being overburdened, cannot keep up with all that you’re killing at once.
      1. Killing to many to fast, cut back on the amount of treatment being taken so the body can keep up with the killing rate
      1. A variety of different presentations of side effects, can be headache, liver, fatigue, nausea, all sorts of issues
        1. Interrupt
        1. Increase hydration
        1. Consider binders
        1. Maximize lymphatics and other excretory organ function with cleanses
  3. Jay Davidson D PScD, Lyme & Co-Infections in Biotoxin Illness
    1. Exposure to toxic mold suppressing the immune system allows other infections to flare up
      1. Toxic mold may be the precipitating factor for illnesses (Eg. Lyme) that are treated and not responding as expected.
    1. Drainage is important
      1. Before detoxing and cleansing, ensure adequate drainage
      1. Drainage is “pipes and pathway” (from the bottom up)
        1. Colon; 2-3 defecations/d will be better than one/d while detoxing
          1. Fiber and herbals
          1. Magnesium
          1. Vitamin C
          1. Abdominal massage in the direction that it moves to keep things moving along
            1. Masses/stool
            1. Trigger points
            1. It’s all connected, if constipated, it could be a kidney issue/dehydration?
            1. Squatty Potty relaxes pubococcygeus and allows better defecation
        1. Hepatobiliary; one of the most important conduits in the body
          1. Liver cleanse
          1. N-Acetyl Cysteine
          1. Milk Thistle
          1. Tudca; water soluble bile acids can even drain glymphatics
            1. Torso
            1. Deoxy
            1. Cholic
            1. Acid
          1. Ox Bile capsules
          1. Phosphatidyl choline
          1. Homeopathics
        1. Kidney
          1. Cleanse
          1. Adequate hydration
        1. Lymphatics
          1. Twice as much fluid as in the cardiovascular system normally
            1. Worse with obstruction, 3:1 ratio
            1. More stagnation=More problems
            1. Adenopathy/lymphangitis/Edema
            1. Retroviruses tend to clog the lymphatic system
          1. Stretching
          1. Exercise
        1. Brain/Glymphatics (glial lymphatics)
          1. OMT, ensure adequate anterior & posterior cervical lymphatic drainage
          1. Optimizing sleep; necessary for adequate glymphatic drainage
            1. Glial cells/brain only really drain during deep sleep
            1. Don’t charge phone next to your head, at least 10 feet away
            1. Avoid blue light late at night
            1. Keep room dark and comfortable temperature
            1. Inclined bed; keeping head of bed up but mattress straight/not flexed
              1. Gravity assistance to help drain the brain
            1. Cranio-Sacral OMT
        1. Skin/Sweat
          1. Dry brushing (also helps the lymphatics)
          1. Infrared sauna
      1. Once a blockage is opened, everything above/behind that level will suddenly let go and start detoxifying/cleansing
        1. Start Downstream and work backwards to ensure no blockages
    1. Testing for Chronic Illness/Infection
      1. Lyme is a clinical diagnosis-there is no lab test for this that is 100% accurate
        1. Western Blot 40-70% inaccurate
        1. DNA Connections in CO runs a Lyme Urine Panel
        1. Best to “stir things up”, massage, exercise, strenuous, roll body on foam roller prior to urine collection
          1. QPCR on urine specimen; $500 test
        1. CD57 can be low in chronic infections
        1. IGenix
        1. Armand Labs in Germany same testing as IGenix but half the cost
        1. If two or more of the above are positive, it leans heavily toward a positive diagnosis
        1. Remember that even after infection resolves, chronic inflammation will persist
        1. Many folks who have had long-term antibiotics end up with Candida/mold overgrowths/gut issues
        1. Lyme Shielding mechanisms/dormancy, perhaps pulsed therapy would work
          1. Heavy Metals
          1. Parasites
          1. Candida
          1. Viruses
          1. Co-Infections
          1. All can shield Lyme
      1. Detect and understand what you’re dealing with
        1. If you cannot rule out “x”, assume positive for all of them
        1. Maintain drainage
        1. Parasites “the mother cell” (as in terror cells), if we can take parasites down, everything else will collapse
          1. Mold spores can survive within parasites
          1. If you’re still struggling with mold/chronic inflammation, there may be parasites
          1. Parasites can hold a lot of heavy metals which are also metabolically active/damaging, they are big sponges for heavy metals
          1. The toxic heavy metal environment allows parasites to persist
          1. Some metals will be released while killing parasites, so take binders while killing parasites
          1. Viruses/Retroviruses/Lyme live safely within parasites such as nematodes
          1. Once parasites are cleared, everything else will clear
      1. Shifting your perspective
        1. Things are happening to us or
        1. Things are happening for us
        1. God blesses us through our tears
        1. Pay attention to the emotional aspects of the life experiences.
Dr. Raymond Oenbrink