Comment; P entadecapeptide BPC 157

Sikiric PSeiwerth SRucman RTurkovic BRokotov DSBrcic LSever MKlicek RRadic BDrmic DIlic SKolenc DAralica GStupnisek MSuran JBarisic IDzidic SVrcic HSebecic B1.

Author information

1Department of Pharmacology, Medical Faculty University of Zagreb, Salata 11, POB 916, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.


We reviewed stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157-NO-system-relation, its close participation in Moncada’s (maintained vascular integrity, platelets control) homeostatic healing response of NO-system to injury. Namely, BPC 157’s particular healing effect also affects all events after vascular integrity loss (dependent on circumstances, it reduces either thrombosis (abdominal aorta anastomosis) or bleeding/thrombocytopenia (amputation, heparin, warfarin, aspirin)) and in a series of different injurious models, acute and chronic, BPC 157 consistently advances healing after severe injuries in various tissues spontaneously unable to heal; stimulates egr-1 and naB2 genes; exhibits high safety (LD1 not achieved)). Hypothesis, that BPC 157 (since formed constitutively in the gastric mucosa, stable in human gastric juice, along with significance of NO-synthase and the basal formation of NO in stomach mucosa, greater than that seen in other tissues) exhibits a general, effective competing both with L-arginine analogues (i. e., L-NAME) and L-arginine, and that this has some physiologic importance (NO-generation), later, practically supports its beneficial effects illustrating BPC 157 and NO system mutual (with L-NAME/L-arginine; alone and together) relations in (i) gastric mucosa and mucosal protection, following alcohol lesions, in cytoprotection course, NO-generation, and blood pressure regulation; (ii) alcohol acute/chronic intoxication, and withdrawal; (iii) cardiovascular disturbances, chronic heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and arrhythmias; (iv) disturbances after hypokalemia and hyperkalemia, and potassium-cell membrane dysfunction; and finally, in (v) complex healing failure, proved by the fistulas healing, colocutaneous and esophagocutaneous. However, how this advantage of modulating NO-system (i. e., particular effect on eNOS gene), may be practically translated into an enhanced clinical performance remains to be determined. PMID: 23755725 DOI: 10.2174/13816128113190990411[Indexed for MEDLINE]

Dr. Raymond Oenbrink