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Addiction Treatment on wheels — now we’re getting somewhere Comment; "Meet 'em where they need ya!" This is a lethal, terminal illness, providing hope as well as medication is important to gain trust & compliance. Mobile...
Neural correlates of oxytocin and cue reactivity in cocaine-dependent men and women with and without childhood trauma Comment; Men with a childhood history of trauma had reduced amygdala cocaine induced cue behavior after 40 IU of intranasal Oxytocin, women with a history of childhood trauma did not have this response at...
Brain-wide functional architecture remodeling by alcohol dependence and abstinence
Brain-wide functional architecture remodeling by alcohol dependence and abstinence Comment; Interesting concept, re-visualizing the brain as a cell and then using that concept to reconsider the various structures and information flow-hubs which has brought up new...
On the early life origins of vulnerability to opioid addiction Comment; Well-designed study documenting how early-life adversity is linked with future opioid addiction--it's not only genetics, but environment as well--at least in rats. Caution does need to be exercised in...
Concurrent prenatal drinking and smoking increases risk for SIDS: Safe Passage Study report Comment; Well done study on SIDS risk factors, specifically antenatal exposure to tobacco & alcohol beyond the first trimester, the combination of both being highly significant...
Surgeon General Releases First Report Focused on Smoking Cessation in 30 Years Comment; There's no argument that tobacco is bad for health, smoking in particular is bad and that cessation is difficult but possible....
FATAL CASE OF NEUROBORRELIOSIS Comment; How many unrecognized cases of Lyme & Neuroborreliosis cause fatalities in the US every year? I see so many cases of "complex chronic illness", folks who have seen many physicians who have never...
Salp15, a Multifunctional Protein From Tick Saliva With Potential Pharmaceutical Effects Comment; Salp15 has remarkable properties; 1. binds specifically to CD4 molecules on the surface of T lymphocytes, 2. interferes with T-Cell Receptor-mediated signaling transduction, 3. inhibits CD4+...
Mouse Meals Laced With A Vaccine Might Be Key To Slowing Lyme Disease Comment; What a great (& effective!) idea. Lace mouse food with an orally effective vaccine against Borrelia so that mice get the vaccine against the agent causing Lyme disease. So...
The Problem with Yeast and Lyme Disease Treatment Comment; A quick overview of how to control Candida overgrowth in the gut while treating Lyme with antibiotics--or just controlling SICO/SIFO. The Problem with Yeast and Lyme Disease Treatment Too many yeast in...
Benzodiazepines might be a ‘hidden element’ of the US’ overdose epidemic — and doctor visits for prescriptions are increasing
Update: Product, Substance-Use, and Demographic Characteristics of Hospitalized Patients in a Nationwide Outbreak of E-cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use–Associated Lung Injury — United States, August 2019–January 2020 Comment; As of January 7, 2020, among 1,979 patients with available data on substance use, 82% reported using any THC-containing products, while 13% reported exclusive...
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