Appalachian Wellness

Health Blog

Health articles, resources, and updated information on subjects such as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS), Substance abuse, Multiple chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Lyme Disease, and other concerns of complex chronic illnesses.

Free Screening Tests

We offer free online CIRS Screening tests and Lyme screening tests that can be taken quickly in a matter of minutes from the convenience of your home.

Latest Articles

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Do gut bacteria make a second home in our brains? Comment; This is amazing! Is there symbiosis between gut microbes & the brain? Benefits? There must be if it’s symbiotic!  So much to learn! By Kelly Servick Nov. 9, 2018 , 2:45 PM SAN DIEGO,...

Impact of opioid epidemic on children varies by state Comment; This data is at least 3 years old.  Currently, it’s been documented that prescriptions have been replaced by heroin and other drugs obtained “on the street”.  The “war on...

Re; Cherokee County (@CCSchools_SC) School Mold Issues;

In July 2010 the Policyholders of America ( published a review of the peer-reviewed scientific & medical literature on the diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) Caused by Exposure to the Interior...

Test Post

This is a test post/testimonial post done without the DiviBuilder This is a test post to see if the autoposter is working

FDA warns of pet owners using animals to get opioids Comment; It's a sad, sorry state of affairs when pet owners harm their pets to try to feed their addiction, something for prescribers to be vigilant about.  It’s pretty sick that folks will hurt a...

America’s Suicide Crisis Is Worse Than We Thought Comment; Wow!  Lethality of addiction & suicide (so often linked) is worse than diabetes?!?  That’s amazing & terrifying! Michelle Cortez How...

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Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday-Thursday

Appalachian Wellness

Better Health Care is Our Mission & Vision

Personalized healthcare for patients suffering with chronic illness in Western North Carolina

(828) 252-9833

200 District Dr #006, Asheville, NC 28803.