Mold Toxicity Summit; Outline of Presentation by Ann Shippy MD

  1. Indoor mold is one of the most common causes of asthma
    1. Chronic URI/sinus infections/pharyngitis/tonsillitis/recurrent strept, recurrent pneumonia
    1. Neurologic symptoms
      1. Brain fog
      1. Memory loss
      1. Cognitive dysfunction
      1. Peripheral neuropathies
      1. Sleep disruption
      1. PSYCH issues
        1. Depression
        1. Anxiety
        1. “Can’t turn it off”
        1. PANS/PANDAS/Autoimmune encephalitis
        1. Hallucinations
        1. Bipolar
        1. Addiction
          1. Cravings
          1. Behavioral changes
          1. Activity addictions
            1. Video games
          1. Addictions often resolve with removal of mold exposure
      1. Recurrent migraines
      1. MS, Parkinson’s ALS—every ALS case she’s seen has a mold component
        1. Most cases of Parkinson’s have had mold involvement
        1. Recovery is much easier once the mold issue is identified & fixed.
      1. Children higher minute volume/kg
        1. Everything that happens to adults plus
        1. ADD/ADHD
        1. Chronic HA/abd. pain
        1. PANS/PANDAS
        1. OCD
        1. Tourette’s
    1. Autoimmune issues
      1. Thyroid
      1. Encephalitis
      1. RA can resolve with resolution of mold issues
      1. IDDM
      1. Crohn’s
      1. UC
      1. Psoriasis-often the first symptom of mold exposure
    1. GI (can be a good red flag)
      1. SIBO
      1. SIFO
      1. Common nausea—especially worse with exposure, also
        1. Bloating
        1. Gas
        1. Abd. Pain
    1. Hormones (Xerolone, mycotoxin that affects hormones)
      1. Infertility
      1. Birth defects
      1. Premature menopause
      1. PMS
      1. Cyclic disruptions
      1. Endometriosis
      1. ADH/Hydration
      1. Adrenals
      1. Low testosterone (estrogen dominance)
      1. Thyroid
        1. Night sweats, esp. in men.
    1. Malignancies can be mold related
      1. Mycotoxins tend to be immunosuppressive
    1. Detoxification more difficult with mycotoxin presence
      1. Total toxic load
      1. Can be immune suppressing
    1. Chronic illnesses
      1. Lyme
      1. Babesia
      1. Parasites
      1. Zoster, when immune system is suppressed, Shingles appears after indefinite period of dormancy
      1. Strong immune system can keep problem from occurring, but when challenged with mycotoxins suppressing immunity, infections can then appear out of dormancy
    1. Genetics
      1. Methylation SNP’s
        1. Helps body detox
      1. Detox genes
      1. Glutathione synthetic capacity
      1. HLA haplotype
        1. More than Shoemaker covers in his protocol (i-v)
      1. Histamine handling/mast cells
      1. Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome
        1. “the dreaded…”
    1. TBI/Trauma
      1. Especially for neurologic
      1. Emotional trauma
        1. PTSD
        1. Sympathetic state reduces detoxification capacity/ability
        1. ACES
          1. Adverse
          1. Childhood
          1. Events
          1. Increases susceptibility
            1. Toxic mold causes family craziness that may have been behind the harm to children…
      1. PsychoSpiritual components
        1. This disease is overwhelming & dark!
    1. Environmental toxins “find your weakest link”
      1. One family member is usually the weakest and gets sick first
      1. Different family members get sick at different rates
        1. Other family members when they get sick have different symptoms/presentations
        1. Generally other family members won’t realize why they are out of sorts—sometimes even after the first family member is identified with CIRS
    1. Testing
      1. Urine mycotoxin testing
        1. GPL
        1. Real Time
      1. Antibody levels
        1. Doesn’t differentiate between
          1. Prior exposure
          1. Current exposure
      1. Shoemaker labs
        1. Low MSH
        1. Low VIP
        1. Low ADH/Osm
        1. TGFB1
        1. ACTH/Cortisol
      1. Methylation/Sulfation markers
      1. The sickest folks may have mold growing in their bodies
        1. DNA Probes
          1. Sinus
          1. Stool
          1. Urine
          1. No good blood testing—yet
        1. Organic acid testing
          1. GPL OATS
            1. Shows what fungi are making that human body does NOT make
            1. You can determine presence of a fungal infection
              1. Then treat empirically
                1. Rx or
                1. Herbal
      1. Basic blood work;
      1. CBC
      1. CMP
      1. Hormones
      1. B Vitamins
      1. Folate
      1. GSH (depletion is important!)
        1. Cysteine level
      1. CD57
        1. Decreases with immune system suppression
      1. Provocation/Neutralization Testing for MCS
        1. Wm. Rea MD
    1. Treatment-many approaches to resolve this!
      1. Finding/removing the source of the mold
      1. Get the fire (inflammation) out as much as possible
      1. Careful with speed of interventions—to much to fast can cause problems
      1. Supplements that support detox
        1. Liposomal glutathione can help if binders are problematic
      1. Medications when needed
      1. Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine
      1. Homeopathy
      1. Naturopathy
        1. Diet
        1. Lifestyle
        1. Nutrients
        1. Herbal medicine
      1. PK Protocol
      1. Phosphatidyl choline to repair damaged cells
      1. Glutathione
        1. When
        1. How
    1. Detox Approach
      1. Tremendous variability between people
      1. Nutrient Deficiencies
        1. Mg
        1. B-Vitamins
      1. Binding agents
      1. Need to move bowels daily
      1. Adequate hydration
      1. Sunshine & Vitamin D
        1. Getting out in nature and relaxing!
      1. Clean and irrigate sinuses
      1. Upregulate lymphatic systems
      1. Liver detox protocols
      1. Kidney detox protocols
      1. Heavy Metal burden
      1. Dental amalgams & infections/cavitation’s
        1. Don’t detox to quickly
        1. Tips the bucket over
        1. Without adequate detox reserves, toxicity will ensue
      1. Sweat
    1. Diet
      1. Gluten-free
      1. Dairy-free
      1. Plant based as much as possible
        1. Phytonutrients enhance healing
      1. Fruit can be harmful in presence of fungal infection
      1. Adequate protein intake
      1. Avoid moldy/preserved foods
        1. Fermented foods
        1. Preserved meats
        1. Yogurts
        1. Occult mold exposure sources
          1. Coffee
          1. Chocolate
          1. Grains
      1. Good fats are important
      1. Diet must be individualized to the patients needs
        1. MCAS/Histamine
        1. Keto
        1. Paleo
        1. Mitochondrial diet
        1. Autoimmune diet
        1. No GMO’s
        1. Chemical/Pesticide free foods
        1. Organic is best!
    1. House/Bldg./Car as a patient
      1. How to inspect a house
      1. When to inspect
      1. How to remediate
      1. Air Quality
      1. Inspectors will all have their own, often different, approach
      1. Persistent detective work may be needed
        1. Emma testing
      1. Sometimes the molds that make the most toxins are the hardest to find in terms of spores
      1. Need to vacate the premises?
        1. Individual decision
        1. Options are important-are they available?
      1. Self-remediation ill-advised
        1. Complex process
        1. Requires isolation/containment
        1. Owner is probably susceptible—that’s why they’re sick!
      1. Remediation companies probably ought to be watched every step of the way
        1. If a remediation company recommends toxic fungicides it may worsen the condition of the folks living in the home
        1. The occupants may have a high total body toxic load without the fungicides which may push them over the edge.
      1. Air filtration, purification
      1. Have somebody remove the carpet—don’t do it yourself
      1. Essential oils can be helpful/temporizing
      1. Decrease total toxic load in the house
        1. Chemicals in the house
        1. Some chemicals can induce greater toxin formation from mold
          1. Avoid adding fragrances and chemicals to air
          1. Synthetics are often more problematic
        1. Some fogging agents can break down toxins and kill mold
      1. How does the bldg. react with the people inside it?
    1. Health & Home
      1. Hope is a big piece of this as well!
Dr. Raymond Oenbrink