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COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?
COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? I congratulate Dr. Blaylock for his loud description of the nude emperor in his "new clothes"! He speaks safely ensconced in retirement from what I can tell. The article written is very detailed with an extensive bibliography. His...
Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects
Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects Dr's Cole & Mercola have done it again. 12/18/20 this website blog had an entry voicing many of the concerns that have since come to pass. This is NOT A VACCINE! It's a BIOWEAPON. Ryan Cole owns the largest...
A Massive Spike in Disability is Most Likely Due to a Wave of Vaccine Injuries
A Massive Spike in Disability is Most Likely Due to a Wave of Vaccine Injuries This is a Follow-Up Article to; All Evidence Suggests The COVID Vaccines are Causing a Spike in Disability and a Potential Catastrophe for Our Economy Written by a physician who has...
Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore?
Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore? An interesting perspective--one that I've suspected from comments my patients make to me during discussions about my being different from their "other doctors"... I've always thought of that as a good thing, that I connect with my...
Covid Resources
Covid Resources: Here are links for research that I said I would send. I hope these are helpful and informative for you. I put them in 4 categories: Articles, Videos, Resource Sites, and Organization Web Sites with Good Information and Good Newsletters To Subscribe...
Push back against Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations
Push back against Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations Take the Fight to Them! Assumption of Liability In the case of mandatory vaccinations to retain employment or for other work or school related benefits, consider to demand that the employer or school have an authorized...
Long-Hauler’s; Post-COVID19 Infection or “COVID Shot” Treatment
Numerous Post-acute COVID-19 survivors develop a clinical syndrome that causes considerable disability regardless of the severity of the acute disease. This “Long-Hauler Syndrome” is due to immune system malfunctions. A similar situation can occur after receiving...
Is the Covid19 Plandemic Viral?
Is the Covid19 Plandemic Viral? Recall that the virus known as SARS/COVID19 had been so hard to isolate, there were so many false positive tests initially, so many abnormal test results in general. Clinicians were testing for a “virus” that was not there. Were they...
Cistus Tea, or: How to become repulsive to ticks
Cistus Tea, or: How to become repulsive to ticks Originally posted by fransussmanMay 18, 2014 Dr. Klinghardt MD, PhD discusses use of Cistus incanus Rock Rose Tea One of the big hits at our retreat with Dr Klinghardt in the summer 0f 2010 was Cistus Tea, a...
Resolving “Long-Haul COVID” and Vaccine Toxicity: Neutralizing the Spike Protein
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (OMNS June 21, 2021) Although the mainstream media outlets might have you believe otherwise, the vaccines that continue to be administered for the COVID pandemic are emerging as very substantial sources of morbidity and mortality...
Inventor of mRNA Interviewed About Injection Dangers
Inventor of mRNA Interviewed About Injection Dangers STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Robert Malone invented the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology. He has grave concerns about the lack of transparency of side effects, censoring of discussion and the lack of informed...
Can a US Citizen with Complex Chronic Illness (CCI) Get Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)
The Good News? Probably--When the testing is done the right way. How does a chronically ill person go about getting recognition as being disabled? It depends on what is going on with you. One of the most common complaints I see is utter exhaustion, no stamina, can't...
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